Guest Blogger: Shalonda Chaddock from Chubby Cheek Photography With a Letter For Moms

Photo by Chubby Cheek Photography

Dear You,

Yeah you, the pretty lady sitting here reading this.  You probably landed here by some mindless naptime scrolling or because you were killing time in carline or maybe waiting for soccer/volleyball/basketball practice to be over.  Well, I can promise you, you were meant to read this!

“Maybe next year”

“Let me lose 10 lbs. first”

“No I don’t have anything that fits me right now besides yoga pants”

All things I have said or thought!  All things I have been told or written in an email.


I know as mommy’s we live in the every day, we spend 24-7 in the trenches.  We are there for the princess band aids and the icky muddy fingers…we see our children at their best and at their “not-so- best” ha…we have days where we feel like the superhero, Miss America and Super nanny all in one.  Then we have days where we can’t remember the last time we actually took a shower, our hair is in yet another not so beautiful messy topknot and we have on yoga pants that haven’t been to yoga, EVER!  SO this little letter, it’s for YOU!  When was the last time you were in pictures with your babies?  Okay, okay, so that was a trick questions ha!  The truth is, that you cannot ever have enough pictures of your babies and they won’t ever have enough pictures WITH you.

So make “NOW” happen, make TODAY the right time!  You see you’ve been there, you’ve been there for the sleepless newborn nights, the tantrums in the middle of Target, and maybe like me, you are there now, as your daughter no longer needs to hold your hand when you cross the street.  Or you are there now as your son inches taller and taller to be able to look you in the eyes.

This one is for HER… so she looks back at these images in 20 years.  I promise you she won’t see the arms you wish to hide but the safety she felt in those arms.  These are for HIM… so that he will always know that no one will ever be able to love him as much as you do.  This is for THEM, they won’t see the wrinkles on your face they will see the smile that instantly made them feel at ease.

I know you will have a million excuses for why today isn’t the right day for this type of session for you, a million reasons why you just can’t do it now but let me tell you from a mother to a mother who HAS SAID ALL OF THOSE THINGS TO MYSELF and learned the hard way, tomorrow NEVER COMES…TODAY IS YOUR DAY…this is the time you need it the most and I promise you, heck I pinky swear with you that you WILL NOT REGRET THIS!  Take a deep breath, pick up the phone and schedule a special session to capture YOU loving your babies, so that they don’t just know it but so that they will always be able to see it.

You in 15 years

Photo by Lindsey Friar 

Check out some style inspiration for Moms from our Founder Erica! 

Brands we love: 

Auguste the Label
Fillyboo Maternity
Spell Designs
Free People
Leah Maria Couture

Just shoot us an email ( with a photo of your dress and we’d love to help you find the perfect coordinating outfits for your littlest (but biggest) fans!

Coordinating outfit inspiration to rent from Rainey’s Closet for your little ones:

Don’t forget: Moms MATTER!!!